Bare ground

The purpose of this blog is to gather enough evidence to visually reconstruct two blocks of shops, terrace houses and residential flats that used to stand behind the 'cross' of Kings Cross. 

These buildings were demolished in 1969-70 for the cut-and-cover construction of the Kings Cross tunnel.  

In the middle of this photo of the tunnel construction c1970 is the bare ground where they stood.    

The blocks were bound by Kings Cross Road on the north, Surrey Street on the east, and Craigend Street on the south and west.  A little street called Craigend Place ran through the middle. 

Surprisingly little is available online about what this area looked like.  

I am on a search to document this lost little world, which housed hundreds of people but was obliterated almost overnight.  

My aim is to gather enough visual information to provide a virtual walk around these two blocks.

This won't be a chronological blog as I will update the posts as I get more information on the subject of each post and correct errors.   

Please comment or email if you have any relevant information or corrections, or any sources to share!


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