Kings Cross Road, looking towards the corner of Bayswater Road

1940s view of the demolished side of Kings Cross Road near the intersection with Bayswater Road. This photo is from the Stations of the X Facebook page.  A source is not provided. It looks like it was taken from a position near the present day Cafe Hernandez. 

The lightbulb changer partially obscures the signage of the Majestic Private Hotel (65 Kings Cross Road). An ad in the SMH Monday 2 Feb 1931 says: 

65 King's Cross-road Darlinghurst
This beautiful building of about 60 rooms, 15
bathrooms is modern in every detail with elevator
to roof garden, hot and cold water in every room
cuisine excellent, tariff from £2 bed and break-
fast £1/5/ Select.

An ad for a furnished flat, again in the SMH Mon 2 Feb 1931, tells me that 67 Kings Cross Road, to the left of the Majestic, was known as Wedgwood. 

Presumably the terraces at the right of the Majestic are numbers 59-63 Kings Cross Road.

The left of the photo below shows the same buildings, from the opposite direction, in 1949.  This photo is from the Tooth and Company collection in the ANU's Noel Butlin Archives. I've cropped it. 

It looks like the building with the blocky protruding balconies is on the corner of Oswald Lane. To be confirmed. 


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